The entire globe had came a long way through the Dark ages when there was no well defined territory , legal equality & soverginety.As man evolved the economic complexity increased and emergence of states and kingdom's leading to the birht of Diplomacy.
The term diplomacy is an art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of states. Tha inital traces could go back to 3000BC in Mesopotiama.
The term Diplomatic envoys goes back to Rig Veda.
- Scholar Kautilya specailsed in Diplomacy and his book Arthashastra deals with diplomacy of War.
- Arthashastra advocated that self-interest is the driving force of diplomacy and that the state is the primary actor in politics where they maximise their Profit.
- The Mandala theory of foreign policy states that a state’s immediate neighbour will be an enemy state and the neighbour of the enemy state is an ally
- Diplomacy is a subtle act of aggression done with an intention to weaken the enemy and gain advantage for oneself with an ultimate aim towards conquest.
- Ambassadors are potential spies with diplomatic immunity. They play an important role in apprising the ruler with all inside information of the kingdom they reside in.
Sun Tzu
- Sun Tzu theory states that countries should form great power relations on principles of cooperation and trust.
- denied use of force as war but advanced the idea of warfare by deception in his book Art of War.
- He introduced the idea of competetive diplomacy and stated that every natino must have a strategy for diplocmacy and war.
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